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Wednesday, 2 December 2015
Jennifer Lopez wore no panties in that her see-through dress
Young lady killed today at Biafra protest in Onitsha (photos
A young lady named Nkiruka Anthonia Ikeanyionwu, 21, from Adazi Nnukwu Anambra state and schooling at Fedral College of Education Umunze, Anambra State was unfortunately killed today during the Biafra protest. About 4 Dangote trucks were burnt leading to unrest and unfortunately one person lost her life. Her grieving sister sent in her photos, asking for justice. They are claiming she was killed by security forces. Quite sad! See it after the cut..*viewer discretion advised*

Gay man sentenced to be thrown to his death was asked if he was happy with the verdict. 'I'd prefer you shoot me' he replied... then they threw him anyway
Before a crowd of men on a street in theSyrian city of Palmyra, the maskedIslamic State group judge read out the sentence against the two men convicted of homosexuality: They would be thrown to their deaths from the roof of the nearby Wael Hotel.
He asked one of the men if he was satisfied with the sentence. Death, the judge told him, would help cleanse him of his sin.
'I'd prefer it if you shoot me in the head,' 32-year-old Hawas Mallah replied helplessly. The second man, 21-year-old Mohammed Salameh, pleaded for a chance to repent, promising never to have sex with a man again, according to a witness among the onlookers that sunny July morning who gave AP a rare first-hand account.
'Take them and throw them off,' the judge ordered. Other masked extremists tied the men's hands behind their backs and blindfolded them.
They led them to the roof of the four-story hotel, according to the witness, who spoke in the Turkish city of Reyhanli on condition he be identified only by his first name, Omar, for fear of reprisals.
Notorious for their gruesome methods of killing, ISIS reserves one of its most brutal for suspected homosexuals.
Videos it has released show masked militants dangling men over the precipices of buildings by their legs to drop them head-first or tossing them over the edge. At least 36 men in Syria and Iraq have been killed by ISIS militants on charges of sodomy, according to the New York-based OutRight Action International, though its Middle East and North Africa coordinator, Hossein Alizadeh, said it was not possible to confirm the sexual orientation of the victims.
The fear of a horrific death among gay men under ISIS rule is further compounded by their isolation in a deeply conservative society that largely shuns them.
Many Muslims consider homosexuality to be sinful. Gay men are haunted constantly by the possibility that someone, perhaps even a relative, will betray them to the militants - whether to curry favor with ISIS or simply out of hatred for their sexual orientation.
ISIS group fighters sometimes torture suspected homosexuals to reveal their friends' names and search their laptops and mobile phones. Even among ISIS opponents, gays find little sympathy. Some in the public who might be shocked by other ISIS atrocities say killings of gays is justified. Syrian rebel factions have killed or abused gays as well.
A 26-year-old Syrian gay man told the AP that even two years after fleeing to Turkey, he wakes up shaken by nightmares that he is about to be hurled from a building.
The man spoke on condition that he be identified as Daniel Halaby, the name he now uses in his activism tracking ISIS atrocities, and that the city in Turkey where he lives not be named for his own safety.
Halaby says a childhood friend who became radicalized and joined ISIS betrayed him to the militants in 2013, forcing him to flee his home city of Aleppo.
'He knew everything about me, such as being secular and gay. ... I am sure he is the one who gave my name to Daesh,' he said, using the Arabic acronym for the Islamic State group.
At that time, in mid-2013, ISIS had just started to spread from neighboring Iraq into Syria. It didn't yet hold the large stretches of territory across both countries that it would capture the next year.
Instead, its fighters pushed into rebel-held areas in Syria and tried to dominate other rebels, often clashing with them for control and imposing the group's strict law wherever they could.
In September 2013, ISIS fighters besieged the Aleppo neighborhood where Halaby lived with his family, trying to wrest it from the rebel Free Syrian Army.
The two sides negotiated over an end to the siege and, during the talks, ISIS gave the rebels a list of people they demanded be handed over to them. Halaby said he learned his name was on that list.
He quickly escaped to Turkey.
Call reckless Gov. Oshiomole to order - Okonjo-Iweala tells Buhari
Former Minister of Finance, Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala has requested the Federal Government to call Edo State Governor, Mr Adams Oshiomhole to order over the Governor’s recent efforts to link her name to the alleged $2.1 billion arms issue.
The Minister stressed that she has absolutely nothing to do with the issue.
She stated that it is an abuse of public office, the judicial process and her human rights for Governor Oshiomhole whom she stopped from taking a highly suspicious N15 billion loan to make false allegations against her while hiding behind the constitutional immunity granted state governors.
As recently confirmed by the Debt Management Office, professional analysis showed that Oshiomhole’s loan request which was based on using low interest World Bank loan to offset high interest commercial loans would have left Edo state with a heavy debt burden and the the state would have found it very difficult to pay back.
She said that it is unconscionable for the Governor to embark on a campaign of lies against her because she thwarted his dubious loan request.
She described the Governor’s unsubstantiated allegations as a cynical personalization of the anti-corruption campaign to achieve ignoble objectives.
Dr Okonjo-Iweala therefore put Oshiomhole and his ilk on notice that she has briefed her lawyers and that she is ready to explore all legal means, local and international, to defend her name against corrupt and compromised persons.
It has become a pattern of behavior that each time Dr. Ngozi OKonjo-Iweala is internationally recognized, Governor Oshiomole and his cohorts embark on a cynical and devious ploy of trying to pull her down locally. Just last night, December 1st, Dr Okonjo-Iweala was honored at a high profile event attended by Vice President Joe Biden and former President Bill Clinton. Dr Okonjo Iweala was honored alongside Michael Bloomberg, Bill and Melinda Gates and Mo Ibrahim for their contributions to global development and humanity.
Gov Oshiomole and his cohorts should realize that their ill-motivated attempts to taint Dr Okonjo Iweala's reputation will never succeed!
Girlfriend flees as engineer dies in Lagos hotel
There has been anxiety at the Jonaith Hotel and Suites in the Ajah area of Lagos State after a 24-year-old guest, identified as Michael Afeso, was found dead in his room.
PUNCH Metro learnt that the deceased’s girlfriend, who had stayed with him on Friday evening, was sighted in the early hours of Saturday.
She was, however, said to have fled the hotel before the arrival of policemen from the Ajah division, who later took
the corpse to a mortuary.
the corpse to a mortuary.
O u r c o r r e s p o n d e n t gathered that Michael, an indigene of Akoko Edo, Edo State, had checked into a room in the hotel on Friday and had enjoyed some bottles of beer with a friend, identified as Abass It was learnt that Abass left
the deceased in the company with a lady, whom the latter had sent for.
the deceased in the company with a lady, whom the latter had sent for.
The corpse of the victim was said to have been discovered by one of the hotel workers, who had gone
to his room at checkout.
to his room at checkout.
PUNCH Metro learnt from a relative of the deceased, Olufemi Oladejo, that the family was notified by one of Michael’s friends.
Oladejo said, “When we got there, the management of the hotel told us they found the girl in their CCTV tip-toeing out.
“When we challenged them on why they did not stop her since they both checked in together, they changed the story and said the video was of another room and that it had nothing to do with the case.
“The hotel management said one Abass, who was their customer, reserved the room for Michael. We were told that they both took some bottles of beer before Abass left.
They said Michael was alone in his room before they saw his corpse.”
The vi c t im’s father, Abraham, explained that he was expecting his son to send him some money for upkeep
and a project, when he was told he had died.
and a project, when he was told he had died.
He said, “My other children who had been aware of the incident could not break the news to me because I was sick. Instead, they informed my friend, who called me to his house and broke the sad news to me.
“The hotel management and the police have been dribbling us and telling us all kind's of lies. Even our lawyer
was compromised and he has stopped picking my calls. I insisted that the matter be transferred from Ajah
because I lost confidence in the police in that division.”
was compromised and he has stopped picking my calls. I insisted that the matter be transferred from Ajah
because I lost confidence in the police in that division.”
Our c o r r e s p o n d e n t learnt that the matter was transferred to the State Department of Criminal Investigation, Yaba.
However, the result of the autopsy indicated that the victim died of heart attack and hypertension.
Still, the family of the deceased insisted that the case had been tampered w i t h and u r g e d t h e
Inspector General of Police, Solomon Arase, to conduct investigation into the matter.
The hotel lawyer, Akran Akra, in a telephone interview with PUNCH Metro, denied that the hotel covered up anything.
He said, “There was no time that the hotel changed any story. We gave the police and the deceased’s family unlimited access to our IT rooms on several occasions. “The girl and the man did not go in together. She came in later as a visitor.
“The fact of the case is that Michael checked into the hotel on the night of Friday, October 23, 2015. The room
he checked into had earlier been reserved for him by one of his friends, who checked in earlier the same day.
he checked into had earlier been reserved for him by one of his friends, who checked in earlier the same day.
“His friends, who were with him that night, confirmed that on arrival at the hotel, the deceased joined them at the pool bar where they all had drinks together before retiring to his hotel room to
meet his girlfriend, who he was expecting.
meet his girlfriend, who he was expecting.
“At about 12.15pm the next day, one of the hotel’s housekeepers, who was carrying out a routine cleanup at checkout found the lifeless body of Michael on the bed.”
He s a i d t h e h o t e l management immediately alerted the police.
“There was no complicity on the part of the hotel. The food that was served by the chef was not eaten by the deceased. The CCTV footage did not indicate a foul play,” he added.
T h e P o l i c e P u b l i c Relations Officer, Joe Offor, when contacted, promised to get back to our correspondent, but he had yet to do so as of the time of filing this report
Man defiles wife’s nieces ‘to appease angry gods’
A 28-year -old man, Blessing Enoyoze, has been arrested by the police in Edo State for defiling two of his wife’s nieces to appease angry gods.
Enoyoze reportedly committed that act after a native doctor told him to sleep with two virgins to appease the gods in order for his ailing first son to get well.
The native doctor was said to have told him that the son took ill because his wife slept with another man.
The Nation gathered the wife confessed to have committed adultery and offered to bring two of her nieces to her husband.
The victims told our reporter that the suspect committed the act while they were sleeping at night.
One of girls who could not live with the shame invited the police.
The wife of the victim, who refused to disclose her name, said she went out the night her husband defiled her nieces.
The woman said she succumbed to pressure from a man after her husband was caught with another woman.
The Nation.
The Nation.
We are ready to meet you in Court- Sahara Reporters to Saraki

"As Nigeria’s number three man, there is no need for him to do legal tourism by going to courts outside the country. He should believe in the system and go to any court in Nigeria. We are ready to meet him in any court in Nigeria.
If he goes to court to challenge us outside of Nigeria, he would be using the money he has taken (stolen over these years) from the Nigerian people to pay expensive (pricey) lawyers outside the shores of Nigeria whereas all the evidence (s) of his corruption are based here in Nigeria." he told Premium Times
Zuckerberg donating 99% of his wealth to charity?
As you begin the next generation of the Chan Zuckerberg family, we also begin the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to join people across the world to advance human potential and promote equality for all children in the next generation. Our initial areas of focus will be personalized learning, curing disease, connecting people and building strong communities. We will give 99% of our Facebook shares -- currently about $45 billion -- during our lives to advance this mission. We know this is a small contribution compared to all the resources and talents of those already working on these issues. But we want to do what we can, working alongside many others.
Okonjo-Iweala ought to face criminal prosecution - Oshiomole

Oshiomole said it was criminal of Jonathan and Okonjo-Iweala to spend money that wasn't approved by the National Assembly ...
“The issue is whether the Nigerian President under the constitution has the power to approve funds belonging to local, state and federal government- funds that have not been appropriated by the National Assembly. That is a criminal offense for which Okonjo-Iweala ought to face criminal prosecution. These things are just discussed and wished away. For me, I will stick for the truth and don’t care what people will say. Talking about revelation, look at the letter credited to Dasuki – the immediate past National Security Adviser. In his defence which I read in your paper, he seems to admit that money was spent but it was approved by the President. Does the Nigerian constitution empower the President to spend money which has not been appropriated by the National Assembly? And they took cash from the CBN. The Money Laundering Act says if you take cash in excess of N5 million transaction, it is money laundering and it is criminal. So, by Dasuki’s letter, he has also confirmed that Okonjo-Iweala is a privy to spending money never appropriated and therefore criminal, and that cash were being moved contrary to the money laundering act. Just using Dasuki’s own defence, you can see a case of conspiracy has been established between Dasuki, Okonjo-Iweala and all those involved in that transaction,” Oshiomhole said
Top Searched Lists on Yahoo in 2015: Bobbi Kristina Brown is the top Yahoo search of 2015
Yahoo today released its annual lists of top searches and the number one most searched person is late Bobbi Kristina Brown while the Kardashians dominate quite a lot of the lists. See below...
Top Searches on Yahoo in 2015:
1. Bobbi Kristina Brown
2. iPhone
3. Caitlyn Jenner
4. Kendall Jenner
5. Minecraft
1. Bobbi Kristina Brown
2. iPhone
3. Caitlyn Jenner
4. Kendall Jenner
5. Minecraft
6. Jennifer Aniston
7. Kim Kardashian
8. Katy Perry
9. Ronda Rousey
10. Farrah Abraham
Top Searched Sports Moments on Yahoo in
1. Mayweather vs. Pacquiao
2. U.S. Women's Soccer Team Wins World Cup
3. Deflate-gate
4. American Pharoah Triple Crown
5. Super Bowl 49
6. Rousey vs. Holm
7. Serena Williams Attempts Tennis Grand Slam
8. Jordan Spieth Sweeps All Major Awards for
the PGA Season
9. Caitlyn Jenner ESPYs
10. Klay Thompson Record Breaking Quarter
1. Mayweather vs. Pacquiao
2. U.S. Women's Soccer Team Wins World Cup
3. Deflate-gate
4. American Pharoah Triple Crown
5. Super Bowl 49
6. Rousey vs. Holm
7. Serena Williams Attempts Tennis Grand Slam
8. Jordan Spieth Sweeps All Major Awards for
the PGA Season
9. Caitlyn Jenner ESPYs
10. Klay Thompson Record Breaking Quarter
Top-Buzzing Obsessions/Crazes on Yahoo in 2015 (top-searched + top gainers):
- Katy Perry’s Super Bowl Halftime Sharks
- Starbucks Holiday Cup
- Man Bun
- What color is the dress?
- Whip/Nae Nae
- Jurassic World
- Back to the Future
- Drake Dancing
- Cecil the Lion
- Dad Bod
Top Searched Non-Reality TV Shows on Yahoo in 2015:
1. The Walking Dead
2. Young and the Restless
3. Game of Thrones
4. Days of Our Lives
5. Bold and Beautiful
6. Empire
7. Sons of Anarchy
8. Orange Is the New Black
9. House of Cards
10. South Park
2. Young and the Restless
3. Game of Thrones
4. Days of Our Lives
5. Bold and Beautiful
6. Empire
7. Sons of Anarchy
8. Orange Is the New Black
9. House of Cards
10. South Park
Tumblr’s Top Solo Artists of 2015:
1. Taylor Swift
2. Nicki Minaj
3. Rihanna
4. Kanye West
5. Beyoncé
6. Lana Del Rey
7. Drake
8. Halsey
9. Marina & the Diamonds
10. Justin Bieber
2. Nicki Minaj
3. Rihanna
4. Kanye West
5. Beyoncé
6. Lana Del Rey
7. Drake
8. Halsey
9. Marina & the Diamonds
10. Justin Bieber
President Buhari leaves for South Africa tomorrow
President Buhari will leave for South Africa tomorrow December 3rd to participate in the Forum on China/Africa Cooperation (FOCAC). A statement issued by the Special Assistant to the President on Media and Publicity, Garba Shehu, says that during the forum Buhari will have a meeting with Chinese president, Xi Jinping, on how to re-commence stalled rail projects under new terms that would see China providing nearly all the financing required.
The statement in part reads
The statement in part reads
"Of particular interest is the coastal railway project stretching for 1,402 kilometres linking Lagos in the west with Calabar in the South; a project that is expected to be financed with $12 billion Chinese loan and which will create about 200,000 jobs. Another rail project that will be up for renegotiation is the $8.3bn Lagos-Kano standard gauge modernisation project, of which only a segment, Kaduna-Abuja, had reached completion stage. President Buhari is also expected to discuss ways of removing all obstacles in the way of the 3,050 MW Mambila Power Station, considered a strategic project which was conceived in 1982 but has not taken off. The Chinese president had informed President Buhari of the willingness of his country to finance the whole project through a special loan agreement," the statement said.Those to accompany him on the trip are Minister of Foreign Affairs, Geoffrey Onyema; Minister of Transportation, Chubuike Amaechi; and the Minister of Industry, Trade and Investment, Okechukwu Enelamah. They are expected back to the country on Saturday December 5th.
Rihanna Is Spotify’s Most Streamed Female Artist of 2015, Despite Not Releasing an Album
Rihanna’s long-awaited album Anti still hasn’t seen the light of day — but that didn’t stop Rih from becoming Spotify’s most-streamed female artist of 2015.
The streaming service revealed its annual Year in Music stats today, and Rihanna was streamed 1 billion times by 57 million users. The numbers are impressive, considering Rihanna’s last album was Unapologetic back in 2012.
Keep in mind that Adele’s ’25’ and Taylor Swift’s entire catalogue aren’t available on Spotify.
Drake was the most-streamed artist overall, having been played more than 1.8 billion times by 46 million users.
I Used To Live Under Bridges In Lagos, Begging For Food – Actor Ramsey Noah Reveals
Veteran Nollywood actor, Ramsey Noah, has said his experience growing up before he got to stardom was a really painful and distressing one as he has tasted core poverty.
Noah who is widely known as the Nollywood ‘lover boy’ said his journey to stardom proves that there is no shortcut to success but through hard work and determination.
Noah who is widely known as the Nollywood ‘lover boy’ said his journey to stardom proves that there is no shortcut to success but through hard work and determination.
In a chat with Stargist, the handsome actor recalled how he once lived under the bridge growing up with his mother.
The father of two said, “I lived on the streets and in a store which could accommodate a mat with my mother. My mother and I squeezed ourselves in that mat.
23 Year Old Man Who Spent £50,000 On Plastic Surgery Begs To Reverse It (Photos)
Britain’s vainest man is asking the NHS to help him reverse plastic surgery after declaring:
“I no longer want to look like Joe Essex.”
Sam Barton, 23, has spent an astonishing £50,000 on procedures including teeth straightening and Botox to look like The Only Way is Essex star.
But he has already begun his transformation to a more natural look.False hair has been removed, plastic fillers taken from his lips and his Botox has gone.
Sam Barton with TOWIE star and his hero Joey Essex
He also wants pearly white veneer teeth – which cost £17,500 – replaced with more natural looking gnashers, at a cost of £10,000.
He also wants pearly white veneer teeth – which cost £17,500 – replaced with more natural looking gnashers, at a cost of £10,000.
The former wannabe celebrity, told the Birmingham Mail :
“When I was chasing my dream to look like Joe Essex I was 18.”Now I’m 23 and have grown up. I want my own identity.I was always chasing the dream of the perfect look and to me Joe Essex was that. He was my idol.
I still like Joe Essex, I’ve met him loads of times, but I no longer aspire to look like him. It is time to go back to a more natural look.
20-Year-Old Caught Having Sex In Aeroplane Toilet With Total Stranger… As Parents Sat Nearby
A British woman in her 20s was arrested after losing her temper with cabin crew who caught her locked in an aeroplane toilet with a man she had just met.
The apparently drunk tourist is said to have been handcuffed to a
chair by flight attendants – to the horror of her parents, who were travelling with her.
She was on an 11-hour Virgin Atlantic flight from Gatwick to Las Vegas last week when she reportedly struck up a friendship with the man sitting in the next seat.
They disappeared to the aircraft toilet and other travellers soon complained of hearing noises from inside.
The paper reported the incident happened on a flight from London Gatwick to Las Vegas in the US last week.
The woman was questioned by police but released with a warning before continuing her holiday in the notorious Nevada resort.
It comes just week after an Australian was arrested for apparently mistaking the cockpit door of a Virgin Australia flight from Brisbane to Bali for the toilet, triggering a hijack scare.
Matt Lockley told Bali police that he ban’g ed on what he thought was the toilet door of Boeing 737-800 aircraft, sparking the terrorism fears.
Mr Lockley, 28, was later released without charge.
Last year, Virgin America launched a new service that allows passengers to send drinks, a meal or treats to fellow passengers in a move which many said encouraged mid-air flirting.
Virgin Atlantic said last night they do no accept bad behaviour by any passengers on board their planes
A man killed by 6 people, his private parts and eyes are now being sold
In a suspected ritual murder, the family of slain Silobela village head Trynos Stanley Moyo (52) could not break the ground to dig his grave for burial until one of the suspects came forward with the deceased's private parts and eyes.
Moyo was allegedly murdered by six villagers who wanted to sell his body parts to a local businessman.
The late headman had gone missing on 15 November only for his body to be found without private parts and eyes during a search the following day.
"His nearly decomposing body was found without private parts and eyes," said his wife Cathrine Sibanda.
Sibanda got concerned when her husband stayed out late into the night beyond what was normal for him.
"He was not home as late as 0030hrs that is when I got worried. He never came back sadly," she said.
The following day Sibanda told the deceased's brother Brighton Moyo who then notified the whole family and a search party was launched.
Villagers followed footprints that led them to a shocking discovery.
"His trousers were lowered to knee level, his privates were missing. We then took his corpse to the hospital mortuary," said Brighton Moyo.
For such a death, the Moyo family was compelled to do an appeasement ritual before burying one of theirs.
"We performed a family ritual because this was a strange and suspicious death," Moyo added.
Weird things happened on the eve of the burial. Grave diggers could not crack the earth to where his final resting place would be, six feet under.
"It was as if we were hitting a rock. The ground was very hard," said a source.
As such the police came in handy when the suspected murderers confessed to being in possession of the deceased's privates.
One of the suspects, a woman, was marched to the burial site carrying the body parts. That is when the earth opened up for digging.
Chief Malise of Silobela confirmed that his subject and assistant was murdered in a gruesome manner.
"He was murdered. I am waiting for the police to conclude their investigation then I can speak further," he said.
Member of the House of Assembly for Silobela Mtokozisi Manoki Mpofu was at a loss for words to describe what happened in his constituency. He advised villagers to avoid walking alone at night.
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