Thursday 5 February 2015


Hello guys ,

9 Ways to Get the Spark Back in Your Relationship

1.Never forget

2. Shake off all grudges you are still holding on to from the past. It works like magic guys.

3. Go to exciting new places together that you can talk about to family and friends.

4. Have more confident in yourself.Make yourself happy that's the only way you can make your relationship happy and work .

5. Open yourself to those feelings you had when you just met.

6. Do things that you have never done before even if it scares you.

7.compliment each other more . Never take your significant other for granted just because your in a relationship instead woo each other .

8. Remember the little things . Always remember that in a relationship little memories or things make a gigantic impact .

9. Show more interest into each others work , opinion ,hobbies and most importantly know each others love language .

That's it for this post guys . Do you have any more addition to add up to this nine points to sparkle up that relationship . If you do drop your comments and have a good day . "Smiles"

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