- My blog gives everyone the chance to express themselves and also for me to express myself .Its also about breaking news ,hot sweet gist and gossip "wink " Fashion and style ,sales of products,true life experiences,articles , skin care ,latest movies and songs . In fact anything and everything about life and all its experiences and mine of cause.Let me first of all start with some articles
Article about love & money
Life a place to conquer.Do we really conquer it ? When death still takes us away from our loved ones . Love is all we humans really want. Money is the desire of every human. We crave for money and love . Some are lucky to get both but not everyone is that lucky . Which is more important to u if your asked to choose either love or the quest for money ?
Sex a very strong topic in the world.Alot of people pretend to acknowledge it but alot of folks still practice it . I know someone who says to me that what gives him happiness is sex and food . Sex is beautiful as experinced by two and yet not enjoyed by all.some enjoy it more than others .
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